Saturday, April 9, 2011

the Koran - abc24 am 9/4/2011

this should get the interweb spies attention if I spelt Koran correctly

I saw a news grab about the american preacher who burnt the Koran
The news caster stated that 24 people had been killed in some middle east country as a result of a violent reaction  (don't get me started on the control of news)
There was an interview with a swarthy student who said he didn't understand why someone would burn a copy of the Koran
There was an interview with a swarthy professor (there is always a professor to add legitimacy to the news story) who said something like it was bad and would cause trouble.
Just before my disgust at news control reporting kicked in, the news caster stated that the hot topic on that countries radio stations was the book burning
This was the only way the majority of the population had heard about the act (no TV either?) in the far off country, the irony being the same percentage had not read the Koran because they could not read

Thats brainwashing, killing on word of mouth over something you cant read because your own religion/country wants to keep you dumb enough to push around.

These situations are only degrees apart in every country in the world

What would happen if we didn't participate, peace?

They didn't interview the american preacher to get his side of the story which is probably just as well because he would only be stating what every red blooded american believed and would have done if they hadn't been beaten with a  multicultural political correctness card played in favour of anybody who wants to take it to court

Friday, April 1, 2011

the answer to life 1:1.618

want to understand what they don't want you to know
everybody does no matter if they deny their interest

the proof has humility attached
your want will have to dovetail with empathy
grasping the truth with eyes wide open

It shit me to tears that the so called secrets of life were rapped up in some form of mystical esoteric volume
But would we recognise Jesus if he introduced himself

Monday, March 28, 2011

four corners - A long running ABC newsamentry vehicle 28/03/2011 Brisbane Australia

Just finished watching the newsamentry about the Qantas flight QF32 from Singapore that suffered a mid air explosion in a Rolls Rouce engine.

My heart was in my throat while listening to their account.

"Just lucky I guess" undertone of the newsamentry seems too trite for any industry thats heavily invested in safety.
Luck is the only warm feeling Rolls Royce quality control can hold on to.

Would the fault had been found if Qantas hadn't reduced their own inhouse servicing regime in favour of outsourcing so many years ago.

My hat is off to the Captain Richard De Crespigny and his aussie flight crew who saved 466 lives that day

Friday, March 25, 2011

game of death - movie 2010

I object to the english accent being used by american producers to brand the bad guy.

Aussies saved yanks in veitnam on more than one occasion, aussies were heros without hollywood weather they wanted to be or not
So much for a political alliance.

Hollywood makes the agenda
are they really smart enough
they wish they were

the pawns are being shucked

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I had my first uncontrollable involentary laugh several years ago
I remember being surprised at how I felt
sort of liberated happy literally jolly
I have never experienced it since
the occasion was nothing special
a statement of no importance

I often think of that feeling
kicking the dust

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

funniest home videos 22/03/11

finally they have found a dress

that suits the host "Shelly",

a beautiful lady with strait up and down legs.

why not make her look good all the time

controversy? for  interest?

clever producers even have a shelly outfit page

if only fashion could sustain

TV's moral compass
supporting watchers argumentx
lost in vacum

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

the first dead crow

who taught the crows to hop laconically from harms way

not the first dead crow

who knew feathered species can interrelate organise prioritise for survival

did the first dead crow

who knows what animals know what about who

did the first dead crow make the meeting?

Channel 7 motor sport directors in Australia

Q: Why do I have to continually swear at the TV when I watch motorsport on channel 7 AU
A: Because those poor directors are so dominated by advertising directives they cant shoot motor sport the way they would really like ( i hope) instead they have to  ZOOM in on a a vehicle moving at 200KMPH+ and pan with the  travelling billboard.

Australia's motoring fraternity has been lulled into a impactionistless approach to sport.

We do it because of sponsor obligation I hear.

I dont hear "I like watching traveling bilboards" from any of the fans

I say lets do it differently like in car camera technological improvements we pioneered as Aussies .

I am happy to help I could shoot Bathurst with 20 fixed camers and 5 roamin plus on board
probably wouldn't pan into the roll cage or look at the drivers helmet while passing  either

Is it my imagination or has tv sport just not worth watching these days

I mean even the WRC (world rally championship) has minimal coverage in Australia and I mean minimal like start and finish with some English WOMEN telling us how upset what-his-name is because Loeb keeps on besting him.

And that holy grail of European rough stuff soccer (football) is shot in the most boring way, wide and way to long before we see the footwork.

I say lets enhance the sport experience for our TV watchers and let the principals of photography and movie making open up a whole world of impact on our poor mans screen for TV sport fans.

jimmy falon

i tried to register with jimmy falons fan club to tell them how lame he was but apparently they dont want any opinions that don't make sense to them how do  stars of any ilke stay grounded unhless they have honest feedback


My clown

has surfaced

the but is presented

it will make a sound only when rejected protected

by the sense of demented fever the social wevel

is allowed to project

on the wall of the life to effect

battle los angeliiis

what aload of bullshit
holiwood has a stranglehold on our attention with disaster movies with minimalistic plots to force our opinions but what is really happening I think the  general public is waking and they are seeing  that we aren't swallowing the hype.

Can you admit  a serious flaw in our system??

We believe what we want to believe.

why not understand what is really happening

all the evidence has a single conclusion

None of what we understand is acceptable

We all wish for a better now

We all deserve a better now

Friday, February 25, 2011

associating the diassociated

10 years ago or so I found my mother.................. repeat
Not by any amazing mental process other than a simple realisation that understanding your mother was something that I hadn't tried to do..

the start of a long journey

step one


the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog

racists use a sarcastic club